Saturday, March 17, 2007

List of shops & goodie bag teaser...

Hello, shop hoppers! We've finalized the list of stores participating in the shop hop. We will be visiting:

All About Yarn
Molehill Farm
Dublin Bay Knitting Co
Knitting Bee

These are all fantastic shops and they will be offering great discounts to shop hoppers. Come and pet some yarn!

We've also snagged some amazing raffle prizes and goodie bag stuffers. And the bags themselves - oh, my! Would you like to carry your knitting around in one of these?!?


msubulldog said...

Get OUT! Those are the goodie bags? Rock!

Cindy, aka Maxfun said...

A GREAT TIME WAS HAD BY ALL! Thanks to the organizing team for making such a great event possible. And BIG thanks to all the shops and the sponsors, too. Can't wait for next year! :)