Here are the boxes that the goodie bags were packed in:
Here are the assembled bags with all the goodies inside (and we got some GREAT stuff - good thing the bags were so big!):
Finally, here's a glimpse of some of the raffle prizes that will be given away on the bus. We've had such generosity from our sponsors, there will be enough raffle prizes for everyone on the bus. Some of them are absolutely amazing - there are lots of complete kits from yarn companies like Plymouth, Brown Sheep and Blue Sky Alpacas, just to name a few - but everyone will get something great.
I haven't updated our list of sponsors in the sidebar - there are many more than I've mentioned so far. We will get the complete list up very soon, and there will also be a list of sponsors in the folder you'll get on Shop Hop day so you'll know who to thank for the wonderful donations.
Are you as excited about the hop as I am?!?
I'm psyched! Now I just have to make a "wish list" and decide what patterns to take for inspiration. Of course, there will definitely be impulse buys, too! :) My non-knitterly friends can't figure out why I get so excited about this stuff.
My mom and I are so excited to be a part of this year's Shop Hop! The bags themselves are incredible goodies, but there will be more!?! It will be a knitter's holiday!
Yay, yay, yay! Whomever was in charge of "sponsor wrangling" did an awesome job! Look at the goodies!
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